
We provide training in the fields of:

Leadership and management development
Communication and influencing skills
Consultancy skills
Personal effectiveness
Team development
Labour relations


On our pathway into leadership we start at the wisdom of the oracle of Delphi: ‘Know yourself’. And then in practise: ‘know the other person’. In order to examine and practice what is effective. Good management is therefore a product of quality interactions with people, teams, colleagues or superiors / subordinates.

Leadership is not standalone but is dependent on the organisation, the context and the people. That is why the cohesion between mission/vision, core values and the leadership task of the team and individual is at the centre of our training.

Leadership trajectories are custom made in collaboration with the client. We draw on various theories and methodologies from leadership theory, intervention and change management. A personality assessment (DISC/Insights/MBTI) can form part of the trajectory.

Communication is influence

Communication is influence. It’s not so much about being right but more about getting others to agree with you. How do you get the other person on board with your idea or plan? But also: how do you set boundaries when it’s something you don’t want and how to make it clear what you do want.

Examples of topics in our communication courses:

  • How can I increase my influence and reach my goals effectively?
  • How do I handle conflict and opposition?

Consulting skills

There are three core concepts to consulting:

  • Understanding the clients problem
  • Being attuned to every aspect of the client (who he is professionally but also psychologically )
  • Obtaining a commitment to the proposed solution

In our course on consulting skills we offer various insights from consulting in practise. In addition, you will develop a range of practical skills. You will learn Socratic conversation techniques, you will learn how to present your recommendations effectively and how to deal with opposition and objections. The result is approved counsel that speaks to as many stakeholders as possible.

See for examples

Personal effectiveness

We don’t see things as the are,
we see them as we are
(Anaïs Nin)

To be effective in your work you must first master certain skills and competences. Yet it appears that’s not always enough. Often we get in the way of our own effectiveness with all sorts of unhelpful convictions. Two examples: If you are deeply convinced that there must always be harmony, you will be reluctant to enter into conflict, however useful conflicts can be. If you have a deep-seated conviction that everything you do has to be perfect, you will find it very hard to hit the send  button. There is always room for improvement after all.

Doing a skills-based course will not help you in these cases. You will need to work on your thinking instead. Is it always necessary to do everything perfectly, is that even possible? Or is it desirable to always take the peaceful path?

In our training course Personal Effectiveness we often work from the basis of the RET ideology, the logical levels of Bateson and the DISC personality typologies.

Team development

What makes one team more effective than another. Which variables have an influence on atmosphere, creativity and productivity. How does one come to grips with the other, less visible and subconscious processes?

When guiding teams in their development we pay attention to both what’s on the surface as what lies beneath. How clear are their roles and tasks, what is expected of the team, what are the team’s ambitions and possibilities, when is the team successful? It is, however, also relevant (and interesting!) to investigate deeper-seated interests, motives and incentives. What motivates or frustrates team members, what are their relationships like with each other, how much clear feedback is being given. In short: we include the aspects of the group’s dynamics on our pathway to team development.

We draw on a rich arsenal of methodologies, whereby experiential learning is an important starting point (see also specials). We provide guidance in reflection and analysis through practical examples, we conceptualise and experiment with new behaviour.

Labour relations

Successful businesses are marked by their modern labour relations: productive, transparent, clear checks and balances, even distribution of responsibilities and a pleasant working environment. Crucially important is well-organised and coordinated control and participation in the company.

In our (management) and participation training we go beyond the frameworks of the WOR: Where are the company’s crucial challenges found, what (strategic) value does staff participation add and how does one organize professional discussion?