We offer consultancy in the field of:
Organizational development
Labour relations
Organizational development and change management
How do you go from strategy to implementation, how can employee participation be effectively shaped, how do you practically stimulate ownership and responsibility, what information provides implementation, how does this affect effectiveness and adjustment, how do you make feedback and resistance effective, what sort of “culture” are you aiming for?
Based on these questions we assist companies with the design and implementation of an ‘effecting change approach’. Using our effecting change expertise we work based on a strong anchor at the ‘top’ (management) and maximum participation at the ‘base’. Goals, ambitions, and the things we need to achieve (the ‘what’) give direction. Methods and processes (the ‘how’) are created together. Learning and reflection happens step by step, while adjustments are made through interventions in the areas of organisation (system), teams (group dynamics) and the individual (leadership, feedback, competence)
Labour relations
When important changes happen within a company (merges, reorganisation, cutbacks, outsourcing) careful decision-making and a support system for all stakeholders is needed. There are legal parameters for this (WOR, SER, Arbo, ATW, cao’s, etc) within which discussions are held and decisions are made. History and culture (Anglo-Saxon, Rhineland) as well as the internal relationships within a company have a big influence on the quality of labour relations.
When it comes to important consultation or approval processes we apply our expertise in the areas of regulation (labour law), negotiations and cooperation. Taking all interests into account for the purpose of the best possible result for all parties.