Skûtsje (commercial, flat-bottomed sailing ship)
You will very quickly get insight into leadership styles and skills when you are obliged to sail a skûtsje across Frisian waters. The skipper does come along but does nothing more than watch that nothing untoward happens to his ship. Supervised by a trainer from People Plus you will reflect on leadership styles – sometimes directionally, sometimes team-orientated – which you use to get your team and ship into a safe haven.
No doubt that at the end of such an enervating day – but a fun one too – you will know a lot more about collaborating and leadership qualities.
Outdoor, Climbing and Boxing
We also organize outdoor training sessions in the course of which team-building, employing and leadership and project management come up for discussion. We are able to offer these at various magnificent country estates in Holland. The exercises are tailor-made to your requirements. Also climbing and boxing clinics are offered.
Visual Minutes
A team of artists provides a ‘live’ painted report of the conducted training, brainstorm or workshop. Painted on soft foam panels, the visual report serves as a road map for organizational development.